Friday, November 3, 2023

Why blogging every day this month instead of writing a poem every day?

 Dear Reader,

Some of you may be familiar with the Poem A Day challenge. The folks who run it really get going during this month to encourage more people to write. I think it's a pretty awesome thing. I just have one problem, I can't find my poetry notebook. I also have the dreaded imposter syndrome going on. At one point in time, I shared with a college instructor who I highly admired a poem that I had worked quite hard on and thought it was a good piece. I got a sour expression from the man as he told me to stop "aping Edgar Allen Poe and write something original."

To say the least that took the wind out of my sails for a bit and I questioned the validity of all of my writing for a period after that. It stings still and it makes writing poems hard. I'll focus on it at some point in the future when I have unearthed my poetry notebook and life isn't crazy. I want to get back to that kind of written work. It was a great form of emotional therapy and expression when I was going through some very hard times in my life.

But that sharp statement echoes in my ears to this day. It was not a good day when that happened.

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