Thursday, November 9, 2023

What do you do when you are behind schedule?

Dear Reader,

As you can probably tell, I am six days behind on posting here for National Blog Posting Month. Juggling six blogs is hard. Trying to do it while there is a full week of appointments, tasks outside of the house, and general relationship maintenance with teens and your spouse is even more challenging. I wish I could say that I had a stash of really cool things to slap up here rapid fire, but I don't. Part of that problem is I can't find my notes for more flash fiction on here under the pile of notes and workbooks that were used over the summer to tutor my boys in mathematics. I can happily say, however, they are doing well in Algebra and Geometry. 

When I am behind on a project I go through a cycle of emotions. I don't know if this is unique to me or if it is one that all authors go through. At first, I am resolute to catch up and start drafting plans. Then I look at those detailed plans and I despair that I have overloaded myself. I take a bite at trying to complete the plan. I despair again. Then I take a deep breath, steel myself, and return to that resolute state.

I have been struggling to think of topics to post in here for literally months, if not a full year. (That's rather depressing to put up here for the world to see, but it is the truth.) I attempted using my prompt box, but only one prompt was fitting for the purpose of this blog. I'm not going to natter on about what actor in Hollywood is attractive to me. That's just plain silly. I don't even know who most of those people are since I haven't watched television in about six years. (No streaming shows either, though I did attempt to watch Vikings but 3 episodes in the software stopped working for me.) I can't remember the last movie I have gone to. So, those things can't count as prompts or casual discussion topics.

When people gush about these things, I just smile and nod. I'm glad that they're happy. I suppose I could do book reviews, but so much of what I  have read is outdated I am not sure there'd be much interest. There's also the fact that I haven't read anything in a few months that wasn't news related. And the news is just depressing as hell. I don't want to carry that over here.

So, I sit and I stare at the wall/screen until I get a stress headache. Then I wander off to take something for that headache and forget about writing. My brain isn't working that great because I'm depressed and that is making me have brain fog and memory issues. It's rotten and I wouldn't want to subject any of you fine people to that experience, even if it is vicariously.

All of this rambling and going far astray from the topic is fruit of brain fog and my desperate effort to post something here. There's probably going to be more of that going forward. Then I'll find my rhythm and I will be more prolific and sensible in my work here. In the meantime, behold the mess that I have become. Ugh.

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