Friday, November 24, 2023

The Family that Writes together, leaves Mom to edit.

 Dear Reader,

At the beginning of the month I explained what NaNoWriMo was and invited the boys to participate. First week in, my youngest son announced that he had won and handed me his best effort at a graphic novel. There was a lot of foul humor in it and air horns galore. But, he's 14, can I truly expect anything different. His elder brother finished up a train story he was working on over the last two weeks in between doing school work and watching cat videos.

Now, this week, he is nine pages into a new story about a firefighter named Johnson. So far, Johnson has yeeted himself out a window to save a family of pigs, yeeted himself down a flight of crumbling stairs to get to safety, and let off steam from that difficult fire call by raging at his gaming system on video. I'm not quite sure what is more amusing that my son used the word yeet in all seriousness or gamer rage for an audience to laugh at.

He's been laughing as he is writing. I figure that is a good sign. If you can make yourself laugh at a scene, there's a chance a reader will do the same.

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