Thursday, April 18, 2024

AW: Morning Pages 2024 - Pg. 10

Ok, it has been a little over a month but my brain meats are working better and I am sleeping better. Still no word from the CPAP repair place as to when mine will be ready. I suspect that things like supply chain issues and a huge pile of machines needing work in the queue is why I haven't heard anything. I have a replacement on loan from where I picked it up, so that helps.

It's been exhausting going through this medication change. I was literally sleeping all night and then all day. Today is one of the first days that I am more alert and actually awake in the morning. Given that my eldest son has a dentist appointment this afternoon and Beloved can't take off from work, I am striving to stay awake all day with out naps. I will say, with this medication change, I am no longer severely depressed and my nightmares have cleared up. My dreams are vivid and surreal, though. This is a side effect of the medication. A talking side of beef that's throwing out insults at you and you get to take a mallet to it for the sass is a surreal dream. I think it ranks higher than the dream I had years ago of being a goldfish that had to feed the cat and not get eaten in the process.

I anticipate there are going to be a few more drowsy days but I am confident that the worst of them are behind me. Which means, I am confident that I can do more writing.