Friday, November 3, 2023

Handwritten or typed: which do you prefer?

 Dear Reader,

I have a question for you to consider. The authors and creative folks in my readership, I wonder when you are at the beginning of the creative process and organizing your thoughts, what do you prefer: writing ideas out by hand and drawing diagrams or typing up detailed outlines and bullet point reference notes to go along side that outline? It's two very different styles of organization. It seems like the working method of doing things by hand is falling by the wayside since computers have become ubiquitous. 

For my part, I do a mixed combination of the two since I have my own personal computer. When I didn't have a computer that was strictly my own, I did everything out on paper. Now, I have a hodgepodge of paper and digital notes. Alas, they're all painfully disorganized and I have difficulty sorting it all out because of what my Beloved calls 'shiny object syndrome'. I'll be going through a stack of papers and find outlines for books, notes for instructional essays, and a plethora more all around me. It's hard to focus on one project when you are stuck for how to describe the next scene and something else is glittering with promise of being easier and more organized.

I suppose I live in a state of chaos that I am struggling to fix. Because once I get all these ideas and notes organized, I'll be off to the races. Or staring at the screen until drops of blood form on my forehead. Who knows.

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