Wednesday, October 30, 2019

AW: Morning Blog No. 46

I spent my night last night staring up at the ceiling worrying about a number of things. When I wasn't worrying, I was trying to decide if I was going to continue with the Artist's Way despite its problematic nature. I think that I am, but I am going to spend some time on my reading notes trying to pull out the material that is accessible to people who are not as privileged as Ms. Cameron's target audience. I think I am also going to make a solid effort to keep my sense of privilege in check as I work on that.

Because the Artist's Way can be a really helpful tool for artists who are struggling with a block or other circumstances where they've gotten themselves into a creative corner with no apparent way out. To that extent, I am probably going to include some do-it-yourself solutions to the problems that I see in the texts. For example, a recipe for homemade play-clay for someone who can't afford to go buy regular clay to engage in their desire to experiment with pottery.

I don't think that my efforts are going to make a big difference in how useful this book is. I am on the eve of NaNoWriMo, as well, and I know that it will make my posting material on any of my blogs a challenge. I am not going to drop the morning free writing. It is just going to be limited to fifteen minutes of posting time. Some how, I don't anticipate a big drop in word count. But, I have books to finish and books to write.

NaNoWriMo is usually for new projects for me. I am feeling the pull to write another ritual book. I don't know how well it will sell. The last ritual book I wrote didn't do so good. I started writing it by hand. I wanted a hand written copy for me to keep on my shelf but the notebook began falling apart. Whimsy says I should do another handwritten copy of a ritual book but I anticipate the problem being another instance of the notebook not surviving my work. This is the danger of buying cheap notebooks because they're a fancy color that you like.

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