Thursday, October 10, 2019

AW: Morning Blog no. 31

I have filled up my A5 notebook. The store where I picked it up is out of them. I thought about doing the entry in my writing journal but decided to just do it here. I already was doing morning blogs here, on a slightly shorter length. I am probably going to start doing the exercises here again.

I'm sick with an awful head cold. I was taking a nap when some ass with a chainsaw and a wood chipper started going to town on trees up the road. I can't really sleep through something like that. I'm currently listening to Ludovico Einaudi's concert at the Royal Albert Hall. I'm not sure why I enjoy his music so much. It's just vivid and colorful in a way that reminds me of the composers of the Romantic period. I guess that's what makes it so appealing to me. The concert was recorded in 2010. I found it on Spotify.

I like Spotify. There is an incredible range of music on there. Just about anything that can fit my mood or what I'm working on. I just want to go to sleep right now. I don't like the fact that this cold has me exhausted. I can't focus very well. I keep making typos and then going back to delete them and retype the sentence.

I'm still stuck on how to progress this major fight scene in book seven. I don't want to end with the rescuing party arriving on scene. I want to end with a costly victory that on one hand inspires hope for the rebellion against Askemb (the principle antagonist of the series) but also cuts the heroic figures that are leading this fight to the quick and make them realize that this is not going to be a simple matter of storm the castle and knock over Askemb.

I want to set the stage for the ugly political fights coming up. I want to set the stage for Thora to go through some major character growth by way of major challenges over come. I am, however, stuck on how to get from point A to point B and then to point C. I know that I need to write book eight that takes place at the same point in the timeline but on its own weird timeline. Because of magic and such. I know that there is a way to wrap up loose plot ends from the previous books in the same book that sets up for the big reveal.

I am dreading NaNoWriMo this year because of this tangled mess. I'm considering just writing something completely different but I am concerned that it will be like the last two NaNo attempts and I'm just recording trauma memories. I had an outline and a plan. It refused to gel and turn into a story. Now I don't know what to do if it happens again.

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