Thursday, October 17, 2019

AW: Morning Blog (late) No. 38

This sinus infection is killing my productivity. I have spent most of my morning unconscious and having fever dreams. I wanted to get right to work on my manuscript but I just didn't have the energy. Not because of Seasonal Affective Disorder but because I was literally exhausted just sitting there. I put the kids on the bus after calling and cancelling the youngest boy's dentist appointment. I was so exhausted, I was having a hard time walking around the apartment. It sucked. So, I did the smart thing and cancelled stuff that required me to drive before laying down for a nap.

The alarm I set on my phone went off and I vaguely recall looking at it. Then I dropped back down into sleep before waking up at eleven thirty. I said to myself I have to stay awake now. Even texted that I was awake and trying to get up the energy to do stuff to my dear husband. I think he knew as soon as he read the text that I was likely going to be passing out again later with how many times I said I had to be awake in that text.

Next thing I know, I feel like I am freezing. My first mistake was wrapping myself up in blankets. My second mistake was to sit down on the couch. My last conscious thought was "this feels kinda nice" and then I was asleep for an hour. I ate lunch when I woke up, brewed a pot of coffee, and tried to make sense of the news. I gave up on trying to figure out why Elijah Cummings looked familiar and went to find a sweater. Because my sinus infection includes bleeding out of my nose, I thought about the red sweater dress and then said nope because it wouldn't cover up my arms. So, I am sitting here wearing a sweatshirt with a hoodie over it, contemplating grabbing a shawl.

I am also left wondering why Spotify's theme with commercials right now features seagulls. Of all the birds we see at the lake, it is a toss up between the seagulls and the geese for the most annoying. The geese definitely win for the most vile attitude. Seagulls were probably best described in that movie about a fish (which I can't remember the name of) all going 'Mine?' They have less brains than you would find in a breadbox and are greedy as hell. Geese on the other hand are actually pretty smart for their brain size and just malicious. Forget stay away from their young. Most animals are like that. Geese will chase you and screw you up for looking at them funny. It's funny to watch people with cameras fleeing with an angry goose behind them, flapping its wings and hissing. It's not as funny to be the person running from the angry goose.

Did I mention that chickens are dumb as bricks and evil as geese? They're faster than geese and have spurs on their feet. And their beaks are sharper. So, if we are to rank birds by intelligence, seagulls win next to chickens and then you have geese. If we're to rank birds by their relationship to hell, chickens, followed by geese, and then seagulls as the cannon fodder. Because seagulls are not nice birds either. They're pretty mean, just not as bad as the other two.

Yeah, I'm still feverish. And I've got writing to attempt to do to stay on schedule. Wish me luck.

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