Saturday, November 23, 2019

AW: Morning Blog no. 60

They say that having children is nature's birth control. They say that kids are easy when they get old enough to reason. These random people who claim these things might be right about the first point, but the second point is a lie. I'm ready to scream and I'm only an hour and one cup of coffee into my day. The kids have been back-talking me and giving me attitude over things like "eat your breakfast" and "pick up your toys". The problem child is not the younger but the elder. He's hitting the leading edge of puberty and this is going to suck.

Friends tell me that it'll be easier because I have boys. There's been enough drama over the last week that I feel like I'm living in a Latin American tele-novella. We lock horns over the dumbest shit. I ask the boys to do their daily chores and there's a great wailing and gnashing of teeth. School tells me how well behaved they are and such. It'd be nice if it wasn't the opposite at home.

They used to just do their own thing and not fight. They'd play together well. They'd be helpful and stuff. Now, they fight and get in each other's faces. They throw fits over who gets to have alone time in their shared bedroom. And good grief, do they get into arguments about how much who knows what about a given topic. All of this chaotic background noise makes it impossible for me to write.

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