Monday, November 4, 2019

AW: Morning blog no. 49

I'm not sure what to write this morning. It is cold and I find it painful to be out in it. I'm glad that the kids have school today. I didn't enjoy waiting for the bus with my youngest because it was too chilly for me to be knitting as I paced the front walk for twenty minutes. He was gleefully riding his bike around and around the yard. I would have had him put on gloves but I forgot about it. He was, however, wearing a hat and a heavy jacket. So, not a complete mom fail.

My NaNoWriMo project just broke 30 k last night. I started the whole thing at 22 k. So that's a bit shy of 10 k over the last three days. Provided that over the last three days I had a lot of distractions, that was a good amount of work. I'm going to push to get higher daily numbers this week despite things like appointments. I'd be carrying around a notebook except for the fact that what I write in the notebook would need to be typed up and I'd basically be doing the work twice over.

I am flying by the seat of my pants on this project. I honestly have no idea what I am doing. I am just following the story and trying to hit word count for the day. It would have been nice if the NaNoWriMo site had programmed their 'words needed for today' to have that 1.7 k stay up there even when you are way past the wordcount that would be needed to stay on track to hit 50 k by the end of the month.

I think I'm writing a romance novel, but I am honestly not sure. It started out as fanfiction and then took a sharp turn to the left. When I get it done, I'm going to talk to P. about it and get his thoughts as to if I should consider publishing it or not. While the characters are original, the setting is pretty heavily based in what he developed for his game system. I admit, it would be pretty cool to be writing some companion books to go with what he is working on and help flesh out characters and such. I really like the idea of collaborative writing. I just haven't had the opportunity to do so in about twenty years. It's kinda sad to be honest because I miss it.

I am probably going to pick up a second project as soon as I finish the first one. My goal is to write every day this month on some novel project. Beloved tells me that I am always working on novels but he doesn't realize how much of my writing is just disorganized verbage that I haven't put into any sense of coherence. I don't want to tell him that, because I am concerned he'll be disappointed with me. He's so proud of my writing and I don't want to let him down.

I have a Filianic text sitting on hold right now. It is approximately 3/4 of the way complete. I might finish that after I finish what ever this thing is that I am working on right now. I haven't completed my transcription of the Filianic scriptures yet either. I want to get copies of the other alternate versions of the texts. I have a project that I am planning. I am going to sit down and take these different versions of the texts to examine them. Then I am going to put together a version that cross-references all of them. It doesn't sound like an overly ambitious project because the core texts are approximately 30 pages. There are, however, at least four versions floating around. I work best from paper when I'm doing this sort of stuff. Some of these copies are close to $60 used.

It makes me wish I had a working printer so that I could just print off the PDF versions that I have found. Research, however, will still happen.

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