Thursday, July 1, 2021

Books Update: Camp NaNoWriMo & NaBloPoMo pt ?

 Dear Reader,

July is the second Camp NaNoWriMo of the year. The first is held in April. They're kinda like training for the big event in November, NaNoWriMo itself. NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month which is technically in November. The people at have been organizing this for years and added the two Camps for eager people who want to work on similar projects under similar conditions at other times in the year. I've been participating in NaNoWriMo now for just shy of a decade. Writing 50k words in one month is a challenge but it helps me focus to get work done. Camp NaNoWriMo is something I've tried about three times and was successful once. 

They say madness is attempting the same thing over again and expecting different results, but I'm already certified as insane so it's all good, right? My plan for Camp NaNoWriMo the Second is to work on a religious book that I was attempting to write back in April when my brain was all wonky. Since it is functioning better now, I anticipate greater success. I also am changing my format from writing it out by hand to typing it. I think that will equate to bigger daily word counts and my actually finishing this project by the end of the month.

My plan for NaNoWriMo proper is to write the next book in the Umbrel Chronicles series. I am still editing book seven. Well, that's not quite accurate. Since moving everything to the thumb drive, I've a ton of manuscripts that I am searching through to find book seven so that I can finish working on it. My hope is to have it out for purchase by December. Book eight is not going to be ready until next year some time, provided my brain doesn't go explody again. Being disabled sucks, especially when it gets in the way of your plans.

I am also going to attempt, as I have during NaNoWriMo, to blog every day through the month. My posts are going to be short on some days and of average length on others. I may keep an log of my word count for people at home who want to keep score and track how fast I am writing this Lokean devotional. My unreasonable and excessive goal is to complete the day's writing goals while the kids are at summer school (which starts next Tuesday). That doesn't mean I'm not going to be working starting today. I just am hoping to get the bulk of my writing done while the boys are out of the house and not quite so distracting.

See y'all tomorrow. Now I have some journal work to do before I can bust out my manuscript attempt from April and try to make sense of where I was going with it. Then I can start working on the 'real' manuscript, if the kids let me today.

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