Friday, July 16, 2021

Camp NaNoWriMo goes on, but my project is finished.

 Dear Reader,

I finished writing and editing my project for Camp NaNoWriMo last night. It's off at the publisher being reviewed before it goes up for sale as an ebook. It's a religious text. A devotional prayer book for people who worship the Norse god Loki. This isn't the first devotional that I've written. I've written others for the goddess of the Filianic/Déanic religion known as Déa. But the Lokean devotional was probably the most challenging of the ones I've written. For one thing, the Lokean community is exceptionally diverse in their practices. What I put together represents but a small fraction of those practices. It is my hope that the little Lokean devotional book brings new devotees of Loki a sense of comfort and a bit of hope that they can engage this oft maligned god with out fear.

There's a big debate between Myth!Loki and Marvel!Loki devotees as to which is superior. The answer is, in my mind, simple. Marvel!Loki is a mask worn by Myth!Loki to reach new devotees in the modern era. Unfortunately, there's a lot of hostility going on between the two groups, encouraged by some shit-stirrers who are trying to make a name for themselves based off the notoriety. It's kinda amusing in a dark way because they're acting in the exactly the same way that Snorri Sturlison portrayed Myth!Loki towards the end of the Prose Edda. I have disagreements and opinions about that but its all for another day and another blog. Long story short, Snorri Sturlison is not a primary source and shouldn't be waved about as one. There's a lot of people who do that forgetting that he was writing approximately 300 years after active practice of the Norse native religion was stamped out. Everything is colored and warped by the passage of time and the lens through which he viewed these holy stories.

That's all I'm going to say on that point, aside from this: always check your sources when you're doing research. The closer you can get to primary sources, the better. If that is one thing I learned in the history classes I took at college, it is primary sources are the best ones for you to work from.

But, Camp NaNoWriMo progresses and I'm going to spend the remainder of the month working on those fics that I was editing before my brain went explody due to my bipolar back towards the beginning of the year. My biggest problem is I can't think of a title for any of the individual books. I've got one for the series that I'm writing, but each book is just a blank for me. I may have to have someone give a few of the books a once over to let me know what they think would be a good title. Who knows. The worst part is, I have to write blurbs and I'm terrible at that. I can write a synopsis for non-fiction but a blurb for fiction makes my brain blue-screen.

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