Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Locales: Acidavia

 Dear Reader,

Acidavia is a city-state in the Dacian empire. It is located in the mountainous region simply known as the North. Home of the second largest library of religious and legal texts, Acidavia is well suited to its role as the remote city of scholars. It's climate is generally dry and cool during the warmer months and bitterly cold and snowy during winter. The people of Acidavia are of mixed heritage.

Acidavia is a remnant of the pre-Dacian empire peoples who lived in that region as part of another empire that has been forgotten as of the time of the current story (Dacia's War). The building style is blockier and heavier than what is found in Dacia city or in the lowlands. Acidavia is one of the largest cities of the North. The city is supported by the hilly farming lands about the mountain it sits on. Acidavia has long been a stronghold against the nomadic people who live in the higher mountains farther north.

The people of Acidavia are complex. There is a thriving art and cultural community that is focused upon the cultus of Julara primarily. The cultus of Ashur is strong in Acidavia but it is not represented as much in iconography unless Ashur is paired with Julara. These paired icons are most commonly seen at intersections of roads through out the empire. Acidavia is famed for the manufacture of these icons and is known as 'the city of the stone lovers' because of it.

The governor of Acidavia and his wife are the heads of the body of worship for Ashur and Julara respectively. The governor of Acidavia is responsible for the defense of the region and the rule of law. His wife is responsible for overseeing civil disputes and enacting the will of the Empress. In a twist upon typical Dacian politics, the governor of Acidavia and his wife are equal in power where as in most Dacian city-states, the wife is head of the region just as the Empress is head of the empire.

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