Sunday, November 8, 2020

NaBloPoMo 7: So close to that goal but so far away.

 Dear Reader,

I'm in striking distance of 20k words on my NaNoWriMo manuscript for this year. I'm trying really hard to get writing time in during this weekend. It's been hard because I felt like garbage most of the day yesterday and focusing was almost impossible. This sinus infection and head cold are possibly beginning to clear up. I think my intermittent fever finally broke. It just is hard to write when my brain says the world is spinning around me slowly at a 45 degree angle when the reality is entirely different. Despite getting started late, I'm about three days ahead of the official word count for the day.

My goal is to get as much done this week as I can accomplish because the school calendar has changed due to Covid-19 stuff (as I suspected was going to happen). The two days before Thanksgiving break that were half days have been changed to digital learning days as have the two days after the break. The biggest challenge in all of this is if I have to reschedule my dentist appointment (which I've been waiting to get in since April). Beloved says that he thinks he can help me get that sorted out.

All editing work has been pushed off to January 2021. I know that the next two months are going to be too chaotic to really focus on any of it. I did the read through again of book V of the Umbrel Chronicles and it still looked pretty solid. I also did a read through of book VI. It has some weak points that are going to need to be re-written. I still haven't finished writing book VII. I have to get on that at some point, I just don't know how I am going to fit it in.

I'm trying to focus on my writing and not worry about the political stuff going down. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris getting the nod gives me hope. At the same time, his orangeness is going to do something insane. His more violent fringe supporters have threatened to spark civil war. I don't think there's enough of them to accomplish that. At the same time, I am concerned there is going to be an uptick in domestic terrorism on the behalf of that guy. I can't go protest the crap that his orangeness has pulled because of things with my health that would make exposure to tear gas potentially fatal, never mind that I have children to care for. I don't know what to write. The steady march towards fascism has me still horrified. The fact that we have concentration camps in this country makes me feel sick. 

I tell myself that things will get better. First they're hard. Then they get weird. Then they get better. We're still at the hard phase. I have a feeling it is going to get a lot harder as people try to go back to ignoring that almost half this country think that human rights have a price tag.

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