Monday, November 2, 2020

NaBloPoMo 1: Day late, but whatever.

Dear Reader,

I've been sick most of the last four days. It started out as a head cold that I caught from the kids. Now it's a sinus infection. And my fever is creeping higher slowly as the day goes on. The medication is keeping it in a safe level but I feel loopy. I am at a loss if I am going to do NaNoWriMo this year. I have no plans (but that hasn't stopped me in the past) but my schedule is a mess. I'm trying to work around the kids' schedule while they're home sick and it's been challenging. If we go to remote learning, I don't know how I'll get blogging done, let alone editing on existing works or writing a draft of something new.

And that's before you factor in the mess of anxiety that I have going on because of the election. It was weird that Walmart pulled their guns from the main floor and put them back into the stock room for an hour before returning them to the storefront. They cited concerns for civil unrest. Then backpedaled to say that the civil unrest is in isolated areas. I have no idea what to expect over the coming week. I am worried about if this election is going to literally cause a civil war. At the same time, I am worried about my kids performance at school getting negatively effected by the fact that they've been home for a week. And, on top of this, I'm fretting about my health again because my blood sugar is running high due to my having this stupid cold (which is turning into a sinus infection). 

I'm rambling right now because my kids are running around the house being loud. If I had something cohesive, I'd be posting better content right now. I blame my kids and this damn fever.

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