Friday, November 13, 2020

NaBloPoMo 10: Behind again, but not on word count.

 Dear Reader,

I accidentally sacrificed my blog writing time to the nap gods over the last few days. It's this lingering cold that's sucking the energy out of me. I think my fever finally broke. I'm no longer feeling dizzy and as though the world is spinning about me at a 45 degree angle at a rate of about five feet per hour. Since I was too ill to wander around the apartment doing housework, I was parked in my chair in front of the keyboard when I was awake to be writing. I'm now at 41k words on this NaNoWriMo project. My plot hasn't gone off the rails yet. I consider that a pretty big accomplishment for writing while sick.

I seem to be more prolific with something to track my word count and a goal. I'm thinking that I have to get to work on re-doing my writing bullet journal so that it is more oriented towards tracking word count for my manuscripts. I've got two book series that I'm working on now. Book one of the second series (yet to be named on both accounts) is getting close to done. I am also seriously considering gathering up all of my pulpy scifi and republishing it as a single e-book. 

I have found my notes for the backstory on the pulpy scifi. I am debating if I'm going to take them and work them up into a book and release that before the compilation of what I have up here as random shorts. I'm still at the decision making stage. But I have at least found my notes. I am highly annoyed with Eleon Musk for naming his thingy 'neuralink' because that was in the earlier versions of this thing that I had published on a web forum about ten years ago. That pulpy scifi has some history to it. 

I'm still thinking about sacrificing time to the nap gods. I am not feeling completely well right now. Still, I have stuff to get done. So, I'm going to two fist coffee and water and power through. Relive college for a day or something. Wish me luck?

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