Friday, November 6, 2020

NaBloPoMo 6: Zombie writer at work.

 Dear Reader,

This sinus infection is still kicking me in the face. Despite that, I've broken the 10k barrier on the NaNoWriMo project. I still have no title for it, but at the moment I am just trying to get the ideas down. I figure the title will come when I'm in the editing process. Major scene that I'm entertained with is when the antihero throws a bad guy into traffic and the bad guy gets hit by a bread truck. I was always told by my brothers that if I was going to get into a car accident, it was going to be with a bread truck. I knew that I had to some how work a bread truck into a scene where someone was getting taken down. I'm pretty amused with how it came out. It is dark humor but that's the best kind, right?

You may be wondering what my NaNoWriMo project is. I won't be posting excerpts up here because it's completely unrelated to the Umbrel Chronicles. It's an urban fantasy novella set in a LARP universe that I had the privilege of playing in. The creator of the LARP saw my fan fiction and asked me to do a little writing for him. I squeed in a key that was heard by the neighbor's dogs alone. It's been fun trying my hand at writing urban fantasy. I think when I finish this thing up, I will write another one with my own setting. While it's been a pleasure and an honor to play in his sandbox, I think I need to put out something in my own sandbox.

My pulpy science fiction stuff is on hold right now because I lost my notes. It's not that I lost a notebook as much as the desk at the thumbdrive that I had everything on. I'm still trying to find that thumbdrive because it has some of my fan fiction on it and I can use it to augment what I'm currently writing. I'm not going to cheat and boost my word count by just lifting whole passages from the the fan fiction, but I'm going to take some of the scenes and rewrite them.

I can literally say that I am powered by coffee right now. If it weren't for the pot of coffee that I just drank, I'd be unconscious on the couch at the moment. I am, however, trying to get myself more alert and awake because the kids are going to be home from school in about an hour. I'm going to need to stay on my feet then. You can't have the inmates running the asylum. It just doesn't work that way.

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