Tuesday, November 3, 2020

NaBloPoMo 2: Day late again.

 Dear Reader,

I was up half the night before coughing due to this stupid cold. My telemedicine visit with the family doctor ended in him prescribing a hefty dose of antibiotics because every time I blew my nose, blood profusely came out. We're pretty sure it is a sinus infection on top of a head cold. Not the Coronavirus but not fun either. I'm feverish and feeling kinda rotten. At the same time, I am trying to stay on top of the kids' academics while they're home from school sick.

I was in despair that I wasn't going to have the spoons, time, or ideas to write anything for NaNoWriMo this year. Then, a half hour before I had to head to bed, an idea struck like lightning. It's not going to be a full length novel. But I have a start on a novella that will work for the informal project that I've got going with the creator of one of my favorite LARPs. I feel a little bad that I don't have all of my notes from the beginning of my participation in the game, but I can rebuild things from a different perspective and keep the storyline intact.

After all, that's what I did when my first novel got destroyed, then shredded, and then deleted. It was hard work, but each iteration of the thing improved it to the point that the concept of the first book has turned into a series. Things that were glossed over are now actual plot points and such. So, we'll see what this novella will turn into. I'm probably going to write two novellas this month, if life lets me. I'm not even going to worry about word count. My focus is going to be on just getting the story down. Because NaNoWriMo is about getting the ideas down on paper in as much detail as you can manage.

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