Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Flora et Faua: Pics to be posted soon.

Dear Reader,

I have been working on sketches of plants in an effort to distract myself from being depressed. I am still figuring out how to work Instagram. Right now it mirrors the images that I post. I'm still trying to fix that. Once I get it sorted out, I'll have some pictures of my sketches for you to view. I am also working on character sketches as well.

The medium I am using for the plant sketches are colored pencils out of my hoard. I have been collecting colored pencils and drawing with them since I was around age nine. Amazingly, I still have a few of those ancient pencils left. I've been judicious in my use and striving to keep a wide range of colors on hand from a fairly wide range of brands. The whole collection almost fills up a crate that is 1ft square. I'll post a picture of my art supplies too just for fun.

If I can get it working right, I'll have the first pic (Liar's Weed) up next Monday. With the colored pencils, I can blend colors much better than I can with markers. I really am much happier with how the colored pencil version came out compared to how the one I drew ages ago with the markers. I am planning to eventually fill in the white space around the plant images with the information about the plants.

I am also going to be doing some sketches of common plants like wood violets, strawberries, and thistle. This project is going to be part of the legendarium for the series. I don't know if anyone will want copies of it, but it has been fun to work on as I am dealing with a lot of stress in my life. Pretty plant pictures are a lot easier to deal with than deciphering just what an individualized education plan is and how it works.

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