Tuesday, April 30, 2019

AW: Morning(not really) blog 4

Today has not been a very good day. I think I'm coming down with some kind of virus or something. My sinuses have been feeling awful and I've been exhausted all day. I know it's not allergies because I've got a prescription allergy medication that has been working really well for me. While there is a lot of pollen, I don't think that's the issue because I'd just be having sinus symptoms and not feeling tired.

Speaking of tired and such, I am tired of these surreal dreams I have been having. They're some kind of cross between a nightmare and just pure weirdness. Like last night I dreamt that I had to stop snakes from falling down a flight of stairs and turning into centipedes. All I had was a snow shovel and I had to do it from above. Many snakes tumbled down the stairs to turn into insects. I've been having dreams about insects for a little while now.

I guess that is a relief from having nightmares about teeth falling out and having dental surgery. I am having some dental issues that will be getting resolved soon, but nothing that extreme. The worst part about the teeth nightmares was that I was having nightmares that my children were losing their teeth in horrific ways and with great pain. But, that's transitioned to nightmares about creepy-crawly bugs.

I don't like bugs. They make my skin crawl. I just hate the feeling of them walking over my skin. I've had insects fly into my eyes, up my nose, and in my ear at various points in time. The ear one was most uncomfortable, by the way. Your ears are very sensitive to pressure and touch on the inside and the feeling of the fly turning itself around to fly back out was awful. -100000/10 DO NOT RECOMMEND!

I'm not sure what more to write at the moment. I've been hitting this particular wall a lot of late. I get a few lines down and then I am stuck. The ideas just run out. I may have a prompt or two laying around to get me started but then I just have the words trail off and I am left with mental dead air. It's rather awkward. I don't like it.

I don't like the fact that I am stalled on my serial stories. I don't like the fact that I am stalled on book seven. I really don't like the fact that I can't seem to get anywhere close to done with the Camp NaNoWriMo manuscript because it is hard to find time to sit and write by hand. The kids have kept me busy and I've been struggling with mood related mental garbage. Today, I have been exhausted all day and it has been hard to focus. This is why I think I'm coming down with something.

I didn't do myself any favors by not drinking enough water in the morning and getting  a massive headache from that. Fortunately, water is free and I was smart enough to drink plenty of it. Usually, I'm much better about staying hydrated because of my medications and the diabetes stuff. But the fact that I spent about half of my day asleep threw me off my game and I didn't hydrate properly because of it. I feel like this post is rambling garbage. I'm tempted to delete it but I'm not going to. I'm going to post it because of the spirit of transparency.

I'm going to be doing another Artist's Way exercise on here with the AW tag this evening. I did my artist's date on Sunday. I picked up some flowers and a ball of bright green yarn to finish up the shawl that I am designing. I don't know if that counts as a proper artist's date. I tried to find some magazines to use for collage work but Walmart's selection of magazines is not that great. I'm going to go up to the library and see if they've got some stuff that they're getting rid of that I can use.

I signed out Outlander by Diana Gabaldon to re-read the series. I got five pages in and I remembered how much I hated Jack Randall and put the book down. I am curious as to how it happened that books that were big in the 80s and 90s are getting turned into movies and television series.

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