Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Craft of Writing: Typos are OK!

Dear Reader,

It is a scary thing to write something big. And big is a matter of perspective. For some people, it is cranking out a novel. For other people, it is a short paragraph that is supposed to introduce them to a prospective employer. In either case, there is a lot of emotions going behind that work. There is going to be a great deal of pressure to make it look perfect. One problem with that is you can't hit perfect on your first try.

I've been blogging for a little over ten years now on this platform. (I have multiple blogs, if you want links I'll post them to you as requested.) Just typing this post, I have made multiple typos and I edit as I go along. Perfection is not the goal. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking that your work has to be perfect. The goal is progress. Your first draft is just that, a draft. Editing and rewriting is what polishes that first draft into the best it can be. Don't panic if your first draft looks rough. Just take the time to polish it up a bit and you'll find that it really is a gem after a little love and care.

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