Monday, November 29, 2021

Friendly reminder to Indie Authors and Publishers has a history of shady business practices. They’ve failed to deliver books and other goods while taking your money. They have completely decimated the interior format of books in the process of setting up the book to the point that it is just a hopeless mess. And they misrepresent themselves as having “good customer service”. They’re becoming notorious for this behavior.

I have stopped working with them because of the fact that they failed to deliver about $100 worth of product over the course of the several years that I was working with them. And they marked the product as delivered or pending *years* after the order was placed and *never arrived*. I strongly advise you to avoid to save yourself and your customers heartbreak down the road.

I am still searching for an alternative to publishing via Amazon because I find their business practices and culture to be questionable. But, Amazon doesn’t screw up your book and print it when your proofs looked fine. Amazon doesn’t eliminate entire sections from your work at random. And, most importantly, Amazon gets the books to readers.

As we’re coming up on the end of NaNoWriMo and I’m sure a bunch of hardy souls have books they want to get into print, don’t go through They’re not the business they were five years ago, back when they actually were trustworthy and got things right for a good deal. Don’t be fooled by their slick looking front page. The process of uploading, formatting, and getting books done has changed and is far from user friendly. Look for another service, trust me, it’ll be a lot easier.

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