Monday, August 2, 2021

Craft of Writing: Book Bibles (part 2)

 Dear Reader,

In a past post, I mentioned the concept of a Book Bible. It's basically a book with all of your notes, ideas, and plot work complied within it. It is supposed to make it easier to cross reference material and keep plot lines organized. I am in the process of attempting to compile a Book Bible for the Umbrel Chronicles series. 

It's been nightmarish going. My stack of notebooks are completely disorganized. I am attempting to organize the Book Bible with a section for book synopsis of each part of the series, character sketches of major players, and my notes for various key scenes in future books. It's just ugly, friends. I am struggling to make progress but it is just not happening. 

I have book bibles for other books I've written. They're organized and after flipping through a few pages, I can find the information that I need to work on a project or refresh my memory of what I was doing with a given section. My advice to you is keep a project notebook that is organized. That project notebook will become your 'book bible' as the project grows and evolves.

If you just have a mass of notes and snippets of dialogue kicking around, be ready to invest in wigs because you're going to pull your hair out trying to make sense of the mess. Especially if it is stuff you haven't looked at in literally years. So, start your book bible early and update it frequently.

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