Monday, January 27, 2020

Good gods, what have I done?

Dear Reader,

I am currently in the middle of editing a manuscript I wrote out by hand back last October. So very many words mashed together because my brain was running faster than my hand. Lines of text that are functionally gibberish because of how illegible they are. It's bad. I knew that my hand writing degraded when I get stressed out and I am trying to write to a deadline. At the same time, this is salvageable.

Because, most of the time, I can piece together what I was trying to say in the sentences that look like they're just a mass of swooping curves and lines. I don't know how I can do it. It's the same thing that lets me read the handwriting of my doctors and of my children (whose handwriting has been steadily improving since they decided they were going to start trying to write books too). That said, this manuscript is giving me a headache.

Killing two birds with one stone, I am editing as I am typing it up. The process is not going very quickly. But, it is moving forward. But, I am not writing another book out by hand.

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