Monday, January 13, 2020

Flora & Fauna: The Poisoner's book 1

Dear Reader,

Just as there are herbals that talk about the plants that are good for healing and eating, there are ones that talk about poisons. There is one book that is famous in Evandar known only as the Poisoner's Book. It is a catalog of all known toxic and poisonous plants in that region. I haven't written out the legendarium section for this book because it includes 'real world' plants. I don't want someone to sit down and pick up a notebook I have and find a list of deadly plants and how to kill or injure people with them. There are something I can just leave in the real herbals and make it look less suspicious.

As I move forward, there will be excerpts from the Poisoner's Book posted that feature plants that are not 'real'. They will have the same subject line as this post. The plants in the poisoner's book have names that may seem strange or are very descriptive of what they do. (Strangler's plant, for example, is one with an obvious name. It isn't in the Poisoner's book because it is a vine used to make the rope for nooses, but the deadly plants that have obvious names are going to be that sort of obvious.)

These little 'excerpts' are being posed here as references for me and entertainment for you. I'm also going to post 'recipes' using these plants. The recipes are going to be based on actual historical recipes for things like ointments and such. I have a lot of notes about these kinds of things and I need to start putting them down somewhere that they can be useful. Unfortunately, this is not the sort of thing that I put into my Book Bible. But I have to put it somewhere, right? So, why not the blog, eh?

The excerpts will be part of a future book. I will let you all know when that book is in the works and ready for publication.

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