Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020

Dear Reader,

The last year has had a good number of challenges. I am hoping that next year has less challenges, or at least more effective ways of dealing with them. I will continue my critical examination of The Artist's Way from Julia Cameron. It is a book that has helped me but it has some problematic elements. It's not perfect but it can be a very valuable tool for bolstering creativity during hard times. I am also going to be getting back into posting details about the world of the Umbrel Chronicles series. This will include things like folk lore / historical events. I hope to get so far as to be producing maps of locations but my cartography skills are terrible, so I don't think that will be happening immediately.

This year, I will be putting my library card to use and trying to get my hands on new and interesting books to read. As per usual, if you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments. I am putting on hold the serious push in posting until after the break is over and my kids are back at school. I will be using the time between now and then to plan out blog posts and related materials. In my craft of writing weekly posts, I am going to talk about things like bullet journals and book bibles this month. Namely because I will be working to get my writing bullet journal and my Umbrel Chronicle's book bible into good order. There will be pics posted to go along with it all.

I hope that your new year is happy, prosperous, and productive. ♥

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