Monday, December 2, 2019

AW: Morning Blog 67

It is disgusting the number of plot holes that I have hanging out in my serial stories. Seriously, Swiss cheese has less holes in it. I am kinda frustrated because in the process of cleaning things up, I have misplaced my notes for how I was going to fix those. Which means, I am either going to continue writing these serial stories by the seat of my pants or I have to sit down and make an outline based off of all of the previous posts.

Dacia's War probably has the least number of plot holes. No, that's not entirely accurate. My science fiction short series would. But that thing is being drawn off of a whole long term series of short fiction pieces that I have been writing in bursts over the last twenty years. I'm thinking about taking all of those short pieces and slapping them together into a single book. The problem is I have parts of the story on the computer, in notebooks, and scattered across my journals. Basically, the same problem that I have trying to put together the Umbrel Chronicles book bible.

I started laughing when I discovered that Xenogen is a real company. They incorporated five years after I had started writing my short stories. Their mission statement isn't too far off from what I predicted. I highly doubt that they are a shadow government bent on world domination through genetic manipulation and general bastardy. I kinda wonder if somebody read one of my shorts and decided the company name sounded cool. This was back when Triond was a thing and I was posting up the science fiction serial up there.

I'm still annoyed that I never got my money from Triond before they went under. I was at 49.95, .05 beneath the $50 cut off for getting a check. I'm trying to decide how aggressively I want to blog on Keen when my blogging on Keen doesn't really get me any callers or chat clients. Keen, however, seems to be going the way of Triond in a slow fashion. I'm not sure how to fund my book production efforts. I thought that Triond was going to do it. Then Google's analytics thing called Panda got rolled out and Triond took a dirt nap.  Keen isn't really a place for blogging for money as much as hoping that your blog post drives traffic to your listing as a psychic reader. I haven't produced as much material over there because I am frustrated with how poorly that performs. At least here with Blogger, I can write whatever I want and talk about the other projects I am working on. Keen nukes posts that take you away from Keen's site and posts that try to promote non-Keen projects you have in the works.

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