Monday, January 7, 2019

Flora et Fauna: Pics.

Dear Reader,

I have finally gotten back to sketching things. Below are some plants I have mentioned either here or in one of the books. The first is Deadman's Tails. They grow in marshy ground where things have died and the soil is very nitrogen rich. As you may note, it looks a lot like cattails.

I tried to line this up to get a full shot of the pic with details but it didn't work out so great. But this is Fireweed. And the Llama of Judgment. Fireweed is a plant that grows in just about any kind of soil but thrives in poor rocky soil. It has properties that makes it great tinder because the fronds are very easy to collect and fluffy. That fluffiness makes them easy to burn. It also is a very spicy plant when you use the fronds in food and beverages. In the mountainous regions of Evandar and Ranyth, it is used with a few other herbs to make an alcohol infusion known commonly as Witch's Kiss. It would be similar to the famous Fireball whiskey with a bit of an herbal taste added to that cinnamon burn.

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