Thursday, November 1, 2018

Wednesday Rambling (On Thursday)

Dear Reader,

It is surreal to sit here at the beginning of NaNoWriMo and have it be yet another year with out Stargazer around. She was the reason why I got started with NaNoWriMo. She would do a dual NaNoWriMo and NaBloPoMo every year. I miss her dearly and keep finding myself thinking what would she think about my project this year.

I have the thing I started last month, because I'm a NaNo practicalist, I have two small children who have a vacation from school in the middle of NaNo. You're just plain silly if you think I'm not starting early to work around that and stuff like orthodontist appointments. November is going to be a busy month on the domestic side of the ledger, which is why I started back in mid October. It is going to be a small novella and I'm approximately at the halfway point. I'm feeling confident I can have this thing done by mid month and still get a good whack at book seven, maybe even finish it.

Halthor's journey continues later this evening. I've been sick with a cold and trying to catch up on everything. As Beloved said, " 'tis the season for sneezing". At least I got the flu shot last week. *knocks wood* Here's hoping no one in my household comes down with it. If my luck goes like last year, I'll catch the other strain of the flu that is going around that there isn't a vaccine for. Which means I'll be writing whilst wrapped up in blankets with extra amounts of hot tea on hand.

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