Sunday, January 28, 2018

Book Review: Sacred Contracts

Title: Sacred Contracts: Awakening your Divine Potential
Author: Caroline Myss
Publisher: Harmony Books Date: 2001

From the bits and peices I've glanced at, this appears to be a book that defines, or attempts to define a person's role in relation to God and society.

Quote used at introduction from S. Radhakrishnan, Pres. of India (1962-1967) [On pg. 1 of text.] " The oldest wisdom in the world tells us we can consciously unite with the divine while in tis body, for this man is really born. If he misses his destiny, Nature is not in a hurry, she will catch him up someday, and comple him to fulfill her secret purpose."

This is a facinating quote!

I was wrong earlier. This is a book discussing psychology and spirituallity. Her application of Jungian psychology and myth reminds me of Joseph Campbell. [Hero's Journey = our lives]

Much of what Myss is saying leads me to think of my "calling." I feel compelled to walk this religious path and work in a capacity described by Christianity as ministry. [Edited to remove a poem I wrote, look at blog for it.]

A facinating book. I wasn't able to put it down. Essentially, it is the application of Jungian psychology in the context of the casting wheel for astrology. Archetypes are chosen by the patient and then placed in the houses upon examination of their role in one's life. they are then interpreted within the houses and their context.

In many respects, this mode reminds me of the various thereputic tarot spreads. Specifically of the one that casts the cards with in the astrological houses.

Originally Published: 8/23/2006

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