Sunday, December 10, 2017

Book Review: How to Pray

Title: How To Pray
Author: Rev. Joseph Nassal & Nancy Burke
Publisher: Philip Lief Group, Inc. Date: 1998

I'm amazed this wasn't one of my textbooks for any of the religion courses I took at CND. The author's tone was incredibly familiar, as was the approach taken in the development of the text. It provided an unexpectedly simple, yet powerful, clarification of the concept of prayer. One that I"m not sure quite how to put into wrods without using metaphores and such.

The interfaith perspective and the humanistic language took the arcane concept of prayer and clarified. it. Prayer is not a riatual, an action, a series of words, or some mandate of dogma. it is the expression of one's spirituality and one's relationship with their world and all in it/of it/etc. This is including, but not limited to, the Divine.

I believe this book or one like it should be included in one of the religion courses. Maeby I'll email Sr. Sharon and tell her about it.

[Note: I'm still convinced this is an amazing and very helpful book for anyone that is struggling with the concept of prayer.]

Originally Posted 3/25/06 from an Nov. 2002 entry in my paper journal

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