Tuesday, July 28, 2015

All Hail Tech Support!

It has been rough going on getting the book set up with the publisher. I was having several thorny problems with the cover creator software and I had several errors regarding the interior of the book. One quick call and a few clicks later, the whole works appear to be moving in the right direction. Nothing is as lovely as technical assistance at just the right time.

Tech support is great for more than just making software do what you want it to. There is a lot of different forms of tech support out there. Anyone who has worked in IT can tell you that they have to wear a lot of proverbial hats and juggle a laundry list of things at any given time. The people who help you with the details of making things happen are pretty frequently forgotten after that assistance has been rendered. It isn't fair to them. Thus, today's post is a huge thank you to all of you people that help the rest of us with getting our equipment, software, and jobs done.

In 24 hours, approximately, I will be reviewing proofs. Looking at the digital proofs as I have moved through the process, I am really pleased with how everything is working up. I am optimistic that the next set of proofs will be just as good. It is really amazing what you can do through places like Create Space and Lulu.com. While vanity presses are more work compared to traditional publishing in the aspect of putting a book together, with the right type of help it works out fairly well.

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