Sunday, March 3, 2024

AW: Morning (somewhere) pages 2024: pg. 6

 It is actually 1939 (7:39pm) here. This is literally the first time I have had a chance to sit down at the keyboard and type anything. Being sick and having trouble sleeping is making this bit about writing every morning for ten minutes a lot more challenging than I anticipated. I could go on about how my back is killing me and my joints are in terrific pain because of the front coming through, but that's just how arthritis works. I could give you a rundown of my terrors regarding my diabetes but I just did that on my other blog, no sense in repeating work.

I am having trouble organizing things. Sleep problems are part of it. My executive function isn't the best because I am depressed and feeling like writing is a hopeless exercise. Which makes me reluctant to do these morning pages. I'm not starting a novel here. I'm not starting a memoir. It's just complaints about how I am unwell. I can't see anybody really wanting to read about that. So, I am going to give you something interesting.

My husband and I have been talking over the last two nights about the difficulty of finding a good diabetes cookbook. (Trust me this isn't going to turn into a rant.) As we were talking, we roughed out a plan for a cookbook that has recipes that give all the nutritional data we can muster for the recipe itself. And then at the back of the book is something like an encyclopedia of common household food supplies, like peanut butter or ground beef. And it will cover how much is a serving, the nutritional data for that serving, and stuff like that. We have no idea how long this is going to take. But we both agreed that there is nothing like it out on the market. And my mother in law keeps insisting that my notebooks of recipes should be turned into genuine cookbooks because of how good they look.

I don't know how we're going to make it fancy and attractive to the average consumer. But I think that this is a project that we need to do. Not just for our sake so that we have notes we can reference when trying a new recipe but to help everybody else. Because this is going to be a book that can help people with prediabetes, type 1 diabetes, and type 2 diabetes. For my part, I think the coolest thing is that my husband is going to work with me on it. It's been a long time since we collaborated on a writing project.

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