Sunday, September 12, 2021

Craft of Writing: Custom musical playlists for projects vs. generalized playlists for writing.

 Dear Reader,

You have lots of musical options to accompany your writing session. You can create custom playlists for each project. (Here is the newest playlist for The Umbrel Chronicles of Evandar, the old one that I had on my old computer vanished when everything transferred over to the new laptop. I have since taken to making them on Spotify so I can access them on different devices than just the laptop.) This allows you to set a given track on repeat as you write scenes choreographed to it. Or, you can pick a playlist that is just random music for writing to, such as this one. You could easily open up any music streaming app and put the word 'writing' in to the search feature and find literally anything to suit your genre of music. 

In my experience, the custom playlist is helpful for staying on topic and visualizing what I am writing when I am working on a fiction piece. Thanks to my nifty headphones, I can put a single song on endless repeat as I am working out a scene with out disturbing anyone in the room. Generalize playlists of music that just hits me as interesting to write to are more effective as background noise filters when I am working on non-fiction. By searching through other people's general writing playlists, I have found more interesting music to put into my project related custom playlists. 

Or a song will come on the radio and I'll look it up to add it to a custom playlist. Either way, I will let generalized writing oriented playlists run in the background as I am doing journal work, blogging, or working on a non-fiction project and occasionally have something novel catch my attention.

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