Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Life is getting in the way of my writing, again.

Dear Reader,

It would be awesome if things like my dishes could take care of themselves and laundry just magically folded itself up. Bippity, boppity, boom! It's done. Alas, life isn't that helpful. My kids try to help clean things up but tend to leave a bigger mess behind than was there to begin with. As such, my kitchen's kinda a disaster. I still have a big ol' pile of laundry to fold (and I was folding laundry all day yesterday) and my bathroom is in questionable condition. But, hey, we've got a wide path for egress through the living room so we won't die if there's a fire.

Some days, I feel like it's going to take a small army of people to keep up with my family and the housekeeping so that I can stay on top of my writing. Then I remember, if I do a little bit every day, I have a hope of getting things to a maintenance cleaning level. On top of trying to keep up with housework that mushroomed out of control when I caught a cold, we've got school stuff going on. I'm trying to wrangle my youngest into sitting down and actually studying for his spelling test this Friday instead of drawing plans for space ships. He has decided he wants to write a book at some point because I write books. Maybe I can connive him into writing some kind of story featuring all of his spelling words. I don't know. This has a chance of going off the rails into insanity.

So, I have not forgotten about this blog or my books. I just have been eyeballs deep in laundry and housework. I thank you for your patience. Hopefully, in a couple days, I'll be caught up.

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