Monday, February 3, 2020

Flora & Fauna: The Poisoner's Book I

Gather the herb by the light of the waning moon. Be sure that it has five teeth upon the leaves, sharp and pointed. The blossoms must be fragrant. Beware the stench for it has driven men into madness. It is recommended to wear a mask or a cloth o'er one's face when harvesting the herb. The more spots on the blossoms, the more potent it is for it is an elder plant. Take only the leaves from the lower portion of the plant. Those closest to the earth are closest to death.

In your mortar and pestle, crush the herb with oil and salt. This will draw out the deadly humors and strengthen them. Add the ashes of nettle roots and mix together until a thick paste. Spread this paste out upon a cloth and dry it in the sun. When dry, crush the remains into a fine powder. Take care not to breathe in the dust. Store in a bottle in a dark place where the light of the sun can not reach it.

Blow a pinch of this dust into the face of your enemy while cursing them to suffer the wrath of the dread god of all evil. Upon breathing it in, they shall choke and swallow their own tongue before collapsing to the earth stone dead.

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