Sunday, September 2, 2018

Ideas go incognito.

Dear Reader,

I am seriously considering carrying a pocket notebook. I have ideas for things to write while I'm doing the dishes or something else that keeps me occupied. Then, when I sit down at the computer, I'm in the morass of despair that I can't write a damn word. Right now, I'm very frustrated. I have six novels finished. I have two novels partly finished. I have a book on being psychic two thirds of the way complete. I have a dream interpretation book that just needs typed up and edited.

And yet, here I am, spending day after day struggling to find the words for a sentence. Because when I sit down to write, I am filled with this crushing sense that I am never going to be good enough. I am terrified that my writing is going to bring down the wrath of the nine worlds upon me and my family. (That one comes out of some screwed up life experiences and pretty much can be summarized with the letters PTSD.) So, I manage to grind out this rant before I go plug in this contraption and wonder why I don't have a typewriter instead.

On the flip side, I'm getting a lot of work done on my therapy writing. So much writing about feeling depressed. Really, it is not therapeutic at all but I suppose it gets some of the noise out of my head. Now to plug in the laptop and grab a notebook.

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