Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Morning Pages 2024: No. 1

 So, I have decided to do the Morning Pages exercise as a timed writing thing. I have a sand timer that takes ten minutes to do its thing. I like it. It helps me stay organized and focused. I also enjoy the look of it because the sand is pink. I admit, my two favorite colors are pink and black. Most shades of pink, I like. But it is that bright, neon pink that I love. I don't really know what about it I love so much. It could be that it's a shade of pink that isn't found in nature. It could be that it is a color I associate with happiness and joy. It could be a lot of things, and I guess that is ok.

I forgot my eyeglasses in the other room. I'm squinting at the screen right now and debating enlarging the font so it is easier to read. I tell you, Friend, getting older just isn't much fun now. Birthdays turn into regular days of the week. Health starts going down hill. And, if you're lucky, you may be losing your hair like me. Sounds odd, but I am losing my hair. I've gone salt and pepper grey, with streaks of white. I have a buzzcut to hide where my hair is thinning and falling out. It's not fun, at all.

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