Friday, August 18, 2023

Let's do a Free Writing Exercise!

 Dear Reader,

Let's do a Free Writing Exercise. Here's your Prompt to build off of: What is the most legendary cooking disaster that you have ever had? Set a timer for 10 minutes and here we go!


The most legendary cooking disaster that I had was while I was pregnant with my first son. I woke up out of a dead sleep craving popcorn. We didn't have microwave popcorn so I had to cook it the old fashioned way. Pregnancy brain being what it was, I forgot some important steps. Next thing we know, smoke is billowing out of the covered pot. I move the pot to a cool burner on the electric stove and smoke continues. Pretty soon all of the fire detectors in the apartment and in the apartment above us are going off. 

This is three in the morning. I started sobbing about the time we had everything aired out, because I was craving popcorn and I screwed it up. Beloved, who is a night owl and was up working on a project, calmed me down. I think, but I'm not longer sure, if the neighbor upstairs was laughing at my blubbering over popcorn like a toddler. This was pre-Covid era, so the stores were open 24 hours. He went over to the next town's all night grocery store and picked up some popcorn. The clerk advised him for his safety to get pickles and ice cream. When Beloved got home, the smoke detectors (all of them) were off.

He gave me my microwave popcorn and I started crying again, with relief. I had my popcorn and went to bed. When I woke up in the morning, I had forgotten about everything until I saw the pot I attempted to make old fashioned popcorn in. I debated writing the neighbor a letter of apology. When I opened the door to go do some errands, the neighbor had left a bag of microwave popcorn on the doorstep.

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