Wednesday, December 8, 2021

AW: Post 91 - So much work, so little time.

 I am desperately trying to catch up on work in a number of areas in my life. I feel a bit like Sisyphus. My kids are clamoring to get the holiday decorations out and up. At the same time, they're trying to dodge doing housework to clean up the apartment so that we can do so. One of my sons is struggling with school work right now and I'm trying to help him get caught up, but that eats time that I should also spend on cleaning up the apartment and putting laundry away.

I try to get my writing done and get my work in on Keen but that's not going too well either. My NaNoWriMo project still isn't finished. I'm trying to wrap it up so that I can move on to something else but it's just not working. I've fallen behind, again, on my blogging. (Sorry about that, folks, stuff like being stuck in the city all day because of a dentist appointment and errands keeps happening.) I haven't touched book seven of the Umbrel Chronicles of Evandar since last June because of how busy and difficult things have been.

To say the least, I am thoroughly and utterly vexed with all of this situation. I'm trying so hard to get back to my daily work habits and things just keep getting in the way. It's making me angry and a bit depressed (on top of the Seasonal Affective Disorder fun that's going on right now). I try to think of solutions to this and none of them have been working.

And we still haven't gotten the holidays stuff figured out. I'm panicking a little bit over that one because I don't know what to give some very important people in my life. Usually, I have this settled by the beginning of Autumn. Because this year has been hellish, that didn't happen. The handmade gifts are just not going to happen this year because I can't knit or crochet fast enough to get things done in that length of time. Cookie-mageddon may be happening or I may not have the energy for making six batches of cookies. The kids were helpful in coming up with ideas but they want nothing to do with the cooking process. Again, vexing is the word for it.

I'm trying to catch up but the more I do the more behind I get it seems. I kinda hate the holidays because it adds more pressure on top of everything else.

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