Thursday, March 11, 2021

Ugh. I feel like it's Monday every day right now.

 Dear Reader,

I haven't forgotten about this blog. It's just been a really rough couple of weeks. I was sick last week. The week before I was sucked into major house cleaning. I'm still working on major house cleaning. I had doctor's appointments randomly sprinkled through out the time between my last post and now. There was a brief medical concern for one of my children (He's going to be ok. He just scared the hell out of us.) and doctor appointments because of that.

I'd go on about how things have been going sideways, but I think you get the picture. I'm exhausted because I haven't been sleeping well over the course of the last two months. I am struggling to keep up with just my daily planning and my morning journal. It's been hard to stay on top of everything. I am still eyeballs deep in edits on the fan-fiction project. I had planned to have everything done by the end of last month and turned into my friend who wants to publish it. Life just hasn't let me get that far.

Throw on top of it the business of Lulu screwing over people and I had to port everything I had on that site over to KDP,  well, that ate a week of my time and sanity as well. Now I'm getting ads for Lulu everywhere I turn on social media. I keep responding to the ads with a comment warning people off from publishing with them because of their bad behavior, bad customer service, and their tendency to take your money and not send you your books. I'm out about $20 for books they never sent me. I didn't realize that was the case because at the time there were people stealing packages around my neighborhood. I have written that off as a loss. I'm still hunting for a site I can self-publish books and have a bit more variety than what I've got up on KDP in format.

On the whole, the last few weeks have been exhausting, exasperating, and miserable. I apologize for not keeping up with my blog posting. This has impacted all of my blogs. Heck, it's kept me from my pleasure reading because I've been so busy putting out fires. Now that I have the mess with Lulu under control and I think I just about have the mess that is my home under control, I just need to get through the last of this round of doctor's appointments and maybe I'll have time again in my schedule to start blogging seriously again.

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