hand averaging 13 words per line. At twenty four lines of text per page, I wrote 199.5 pages in this notebook. It was a Norcom wide ruled composition notebook that I had kicking around from when we bought school supplies last year.
This was an exhausting project for a number of reasons. I honestly was quite tempted to just pitch it a number of times. Some of it was due to writer's block. Most of it was due to the emotionally painful nature of the eventual content.
I sat down initially to write something fun. It turned into something completely different that I doubt I will ever publish. It goes along the same lines as the NaNoWriMo project from a few years back that I wrote out by hand. I didn't bother with keeping track of word count because I went way past the deadline before I was even half finished with it. It was painful writing on the emotional front but on the physical front if I paced myself well, I completed my day's writing with some degree of comfort.
The reason why this took three months to complete was because there were quite a few interruptions. When I had the opportunity to write uninterrupted, I averaged three pages a day on a good day. This meant that on a good day, I was writing a bit over 900 words. It's lower than what my wpm is typing, but not by as much as I thought it was going to be.
This makes now three books I have written out by hand. The NaNoWriMo 2016 project I did keep a wordcount on it, though it took longer than a month to write it, and it came in pretty close to what I got on this one. I don't have that manuscript on hand to reference because it was given away as a gift to a dear friend of mine. Having completed three novel length manuscripts by hand, I'm not sure if I am going to do this again. It took a very big bite out of my day and made keeping up with my other writing commitments harder, a lot harder to be honest.
I know that I would have fared better if I wasn't writing my way through a depressive episode. I know that I would have made better time if I wasn't interrupted with things like spring break and familial obligations. These, however, are things that can not be avoided. I am, however, going to avoid the silliness of attempting to write a novel for this July's Camp NaNoWriMo. Things are busy around here with the kids on break for the summer and summer school starting up tomorrow morning.
I think I'm going to spend Camp NaNoWriMo working on preparations for November. I am also going to bust through this block and a half that I have regarding writing the final blurb for book four of the Umbrel Chronicles and get that up on Amazon.
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