Monday, June 17, 2019

AW: Morning post No. 19

I'm not sure what to write at the moment. I'm still bleary eyed and trying to wake up. I've sent the kids off to school. I've sent the husband off to work. I'm on my second cup of coffee and I did my page of writing in my morning pages notebook. I'm only doing one page in the notebook because I have a manuscript that I am attempting to finish from Camp NaNoWriMo. Theoretically, if I write three pages in it every day for the remainder of the month, I will have it completed. Now the question is if I am going to have the proverbial spoons for it.

I'm getting frustrated with the fact that I don't sleep well at night. It throws off my whole day. Nights of bad sleep catch up with me pretty quickly and I start having issues with executive function. It gets really apparent when I am depressed and not sleeping well. I'll just sit there staring around at things trying to figure out what the hell I am supposed to be doing. My planner helps when I remember where I put the blasted thing and keep it updated.

I am on the upswing out of the last depressive episode. I actually wrote a little bit of fiction in yesterday's really LATE morning blog post. I'm trying to get myself back into the swing of writing daily blog posts but it has been hard because most mornings after I get everyone shooed out the door, I'm ready for a nap. It may be because my blood sugar is high and it is making me tired. It may be because I slept poorly the night before and that has me like a zombie. Of late it has been a combination of the two. Being unconscious for three hours in the morning tends to make it hard to get your morning tasks done.

I'm trying to get my snake plant to put out new plants. I took some cuttings off of leaves that weren't looking too great and stuck them in some dirt. I can't tell if they're going to root or just wither. I need to repot my african violets because they're getting leggy. I'm going to attempt to grow another plant off of a leaf cutting. According to everything I've read, all it takes it a little rooting hormone and giving it a comfortable environment to grow in. I repotted my silver inch plant and it seems to be much happier now. I took cuttings off of my pothos and stuck them back into the pot with the mother plant. Those should root easily as well.

The soapwort is blossoming still out in the field out back. It's nice to see that they haven't all been mowed down. The trees behind the building aren't looking too great. The black walnut seems to be ok. But the ash leaf maples are looking real sickly. There used to be a small grove of trees on the lot behind the building but they were all cut down because of emerald ash borer beetles eating them. It looks like the beetles moved into the ash trees on this property. I hope that the one growing by the trailer in front on the west end of the parking lot doesn't come down sometime in a storm. Half of the poor tree is dead and the other half looks real bad. The landlord doesn't seem that concerned about it.

Fortunately, the big maple tree in the front yard where we have all the bird feeders is still fairly healthy. As is the horse chestnut and the black walnut that are growing along the property line. I'm not so sure about the other trees. I think they might be young ash leaf maples too. If so, there may be a reason why they're starting to lose leaves and have dead branches fairly high up. I really hope that I'm wrong about it because if they come down, they'll take down the power line from the street to our building.

A few years back, a tree fell on the line and almost pulled down the power pole. It took all day for that mess to get cleaned up. I'd hate to think about the problem that would come with that happening with trees farther down the line away from the pole. I could see them pulling the pole down and ripping the connection off of the building. It's just a mess waiting to happen. I know that I just live here and I can't do anything about it but mention it to the landlord, but the landlord doesn't seem to care too much about that. Hell, we've got a hole in the entryway that hasn't been fixed in the last year.

The landlord said it was going to get fixed but it hasn't happened yet. I don't think it is going to happen, to be honest. That is irritating.

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