Wednesday, July 22, 2020

I haven't forgotten about you.

Dear Reader,

It has been a very long and trying couple of months. This distance learning business is exhausting. My boys are doing summer school, so we're still working on it. There's no news yet on when and how school will be opening. I have been struggling to find the time to work on most everything necessary. I don't have the luxury of taking the kids to the park to let them play while I write in a notebook because I don't have the means to sterilize the equipment to make it safe for them to play on it.

We've been remaining home and indoors most of the time. As a result, the apartment is utter chaos. Beloved goes to work and then comes home. We visit his parents once a week to check in with them. That's the extent of social activity that we have. We're a bit stir crazy. While social distancing isn't a big departure from how we had been living our lives before Covid-19, it is enough of one that it is getting to us.

Beloved has been doing all the errands and shopping because I am in the "at risk" category. I kinda miss strolling through the local grocery store and finding delicious things to make for dinner. I feel a bit weird confessing that. Theoretically, I have more time to write, because I'm not spending my weekend on doing chores. But that is not accurate.

My writing time has been getting eaten up by the children. Now that I have depression kicking me in the teeth, it is even harder to just do my one page daily journal entry. I am going to try to get back to writing in this blog. I can't promise success. I can't promise that it will look the same as it did before.

I don't think anything is going to look the same as it did before, to be honest.

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