Saturday, November 30, 2019

AW: Morning Blog 65

I feel like these entries are rambling garbage about ninety eight percent of the time. It's been a challenge to make time for them every morning. For some reason, it is easier to sit down with a notebook and write first thing in the morning than it is to type this up. I have a long term Umbrel Chronicles project that I'm working on that is completely stalled. A story 'bible' is this thing I heard of a few years back where you put pretty much everything you have into a single notebook. All of your world building notes, plot outlines, and character sketches all get shoved into there. I thought it was an interesting concept that could help me stay organized with this series that I'm writing.

There is one small problem. I have so much backstory and related information piled up in notebooks and on scraps of paper shoved into a series of folders, it is a major undertaking to put all that into one notebook. My legendarium for this series is prolific. I am struggling to find the time to do this work that would make the actual work of writing the books easier. I have some of this material online and I don't want to go through the work of hand copying everything.

I don't know how the pros do it. How do they stay on top of everything? Do they have a murder wall with sticky notes and string? Do they have a story bible? Is it a pile of notes that they just hope and pray stay organized as they work? All I know is that I'm finding the books are wandering away from the general outline for the series that I set up years ago. Plot is going in weird directions and I am not sure how much of the old material I can use now.

A part of me says light it all on fire and just go with what I have written thus far. I am that frustrated with it. Another part of me says I should save all of the material I have ever written revolving around this stuff because I can use it somewhere and somehow in my novels.

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