Friday, April 29, 2022

Trying to pull up out of a stall isn't easy.

 Dear Reader,

My late Grandfather was a pilot. One day, he was talking to me about how it takes a lot of guts, skill, and knowledge of your craft to pull an airplane out of a stall. I've been stalled and the ground's coming up at me at terminal velocity, but I'm not worried because I can kick start the engine and pull this thing out before it crashes. I've done it before, I can do it again, it's just been a wild few weeks.

That side business that I was doing reading tarot cards went belly up in the ugliest way possible. That kinda left me emotionally reeling. What I thought was a long term book project appears to be falling apart and this has me struggling after all the effort I put into it. I'll be taking those books and putting them aside in case that stalled project turns out not to have crashed. But it's taken a bit of an emotional toll on me to have these things happening.

My days are completely out of sorts because what schedule I had is gone and I am now in the process of rebuilding my schedule. I will be posting material more frequently now that I have more time. I will also, hopefully, be making more progress on my books. Check back in Monday for a Craft of Writing post. I'll be talking about the most valuable reference book that I own. I've probably already done a post on it and it's buried in the archives, but this book has been so helpful that it deserves to be posted about again.

The serial stories are going to take a little time because I have to review my notes (once I find them in this mess) and figure out where I was going with things. I can't give you a date when the next installments are coming, but they will be out in a little while. I'm also going to take the previous installments and wrap them together into an ebook at some point. This way you can read the whole story from the comfort of your e-reader and not waste time on the internet scrolling through a blog post. 

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