Sunday, June 3, 2018

Life hack. (Warning, incoming sarcasm!)

Hey there,

If you want to have your productivity drop to zero and your self image to hit record lows, be depressed for a few months on end. It works exceptionally well. 10/10.

Sarcasm aside, usually I'm up out of a depressed episode by now. Here I am struggling not to cry and with the urge to just shut down all of my blogs. The unpleasant parts of my brain are all going full tilt. It may be because the weather is gloomy, which often kick starts a depressive episode for me. It may be because for the last few weeks, I'd been listening to people having screaming arguments (which is a PTSD trigger for me). It may also be because I'm depressed about having diabetes and feeling like I have to starve myself to have a blood sugar that is a reasonable number.

The only writing I seem to be getting done is therapy oriented writing. And that is pretty much all ugly and painful. I am struggling to do anything artistic. Finishing projects I started is difficult but I'm making myself do it. I know that part of my problem is I lost my notes on the plants that I had dreamed up. (It is time to locate those blog posts and recopy them down so I can draw the sketches.) Another part of the problem is that I'm just that depressed.

I'm struggling to push forward. I'll keep trying, but I am not well right now. Wish me luck.

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